Work to restore a 1930s Art Deco style shopfront in Dudley town centre has now been finished.

The landmark building, which was originally Woolworth’s, built in 1935 and designed by Woolworth’s Chief Architect Bruce Campbell Donaldson using the 1930s in-house style, has undergone two phases of restoration works.
The improvements were funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) and by Dudley Council through the Dudley Townscape Heritage Programme, which provides grant assistance to historic buildings centred around the marketplace and neighbouring streets, as well as funding for a programme of activities to enhance appreciation of Dudley’s rich heritage.
The shopfront restoration has brought the building back to how it appeared in the early part of the 20th century. The original cream and chocolate coloured faience tiles have been revealed, repaired, and restored, the metal windows are reinstated and the original granite fascia has been revealed.
The project complements other Townscape Heritage projects in Dudley, including shopfronts at Fountain Arcade, 14 New Street, and several in Wolverhampton Street. It builds upon several town centre public realm improvements in the Market place and on Castle Street including the restoration of the Grade II* listed drinking fountain.
Councillor Patrick Harley, leader of Dudley Council, said:
“We are very pleased to have been able to work with the National Lottery Heritage Fund in the delivery of the Townscape Heritage Programme, which has enabled the repair and restoration of significant historic buildings including Plaza Mall.
“Plaza Mall makes a significant architectural and historic contribution to the High Street and supports a large number of small retailers who operate from within the building, I urge people to come over to Dudley to take a stroll inside the building and explore what is on offer.
Tony Swannie, leaseholder at Plaza Mall, added:
“It has been a privilege to work with Dudley Council and their excellent team, who have managed our contract to reinstate our front entrance.
“Our new shopfront would not have got off the ground if we hadn’t received funding from the Heritage fund and I think everybody will agree that we have a fantastic natural timber frame that takes us back to 1935.”