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Any diversions or road closures supporting regeneration projects can be found here. 




Visit the Transport for West Midlands website for any major travel disruption updates. 

We are working closely with Transport for West Midlands while the works to regenerate Dudley town centre take place.

They have advice on how to plan ahead and avoid disruption to your journey. 


Their website will be updated with the latest travel advice as each section of the works takes place and will include information for car drivers and the local bus network so remember to check back often.

Improvements to traffic management in Dudley town centre

Dudley Bus Station is currently being replaced with a modern and efficient new transport interchange that will link bus services with the town's Metro terminus.

To improve bus operations and reduce congestion while this work is taking place, Priory Road and New Street from Ednam Road to Tower Street will be made one way from Saturday 13 July.

The one-way order on Tower Street from Stone Street to New Street will be reversed and you will have to travel from New Street to Stone Street. This will also come into force on 13 July. 
Stone Street will also become one way from Tower Street to Priory Street on 13 July. These temporary arrangements will remain in place until the new bus interchange has been opened and buses are relocated from Tower Street.


A4123 Birmingham New Road

Monday 13 January to Friday 24 January 2025.

There will be a temporary lane closure on a localised section of the A4123 Birmingham New Road (near to Hanson's Ale Bridge) eastbound heading to Birmingham.

This is due to installation of new traffic signals and drainage.

Delays to journey times in this area are expected while the lane closure is in place.

Latest works



Stay up to date and check before you travel by following on Twitter:

@TransportforWM - for the latest bus, train or tram updates. 

@WMRoads - for the latest traffic updates. 

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